The decisive advantage to success!

“Satisfied customers are the best proof of good work.”

11 April 2016

Dear Mr Pichler,

Some time ago, we had a very nice telephone conversation, during which I informed you of our many years of problems after a thermal renovation of our house built in 1950 (by means of thermal insulation facade, replacement of the old, irreparable windows with new triple glazing windows, approx. 40cm thick stone wool insulation of the upper floor ceiling).  In addition, I must state that for all these works, according to the previously questioned material suppliers, allegedly very experienced professionals were commissioned .

After much damage caused by condensation and mildew in the first winter, the court expert finally discovered that the “wood construction specialist for passive and low-energy houses, loft conversions, refurbishments, etc.” had not or only partially and sporadically been built in a tacked vapour barrier in the sloppiest way. Since the executing company was not cooperative, nolens volens had to resort to legal action.  The damage had already increased to €180,000 – and the head of the company threatened us in court (in Krems) with his bankruptcy!!
Also the (agreed after two-and-a-half years out of court) rehabilitation by this “specialist company” failed, as well as another attempt at restructuring by another company. On the part of the construction department of the municipality of Purkersdorf and the official doctor appointed by them, my wife and I, who until then had lived in the converted attic, were deprived of our right of residence until a temporary renovation had been carried out, because of the acute health risk.

Then one of our sons, who lives with his family below us, decided to do the renovation himself

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Kurt and the whole Polke family
